Sunday, May 19, 2013

Diary of a Blogger: Entry #1

So, its one in the morning and I have school TODAY. Don't be like me, everyone. Learn how to stay off of electronics before you go to sleep (if you ever get to it).

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

This is why you shouldn't allow me to draw

My friend requested I draw some guy in politics named Bibi, real name Benjamin Netyaygyadsyfdsaj. This is how it turned out. AND SHE LOVED IT.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Band Camp, Day 2: First Traumatic Experience

Okay, so we were exercising and Mr. Dye, some annoying guy (el-oh-el) was going on about how great  marching band is and how intensive it is. AND THEN HE GOES ON SAYING, "OH YOU WILL LEAVE THIS SEASON WITH CALVES LIKE ARNOLD SCHWARZNEGGER."
Okay, if you are thinking ew, current Arnold, no. But MUSCULAR ARNOLD. That's terrifying.