Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Band Camp, Day 2: First Traumatic Experience

Okay, so we were exercising and Mr. Dye, some annoying guy (el-oh-el) was going on about how great  marching band is and how intensive it is. AND THEN HE GOES ON SAYING, "OH YOU WILL LEAVE THIS SEASON WITH CALVES LIKE ARNOLD SCHWARZNEGGER."
Okay, if you are thinking ew, current Arnold, no. But MUSCULAR ARNOLD. That's terrifying.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pretty Little Liars Musicccc

Okay, I've been in love with this song since I've seen Ezra reunite with Aria in Philly. It made me shed a single, manly tear. I LOVE IT.

Thursday, July 19, 2012





So, fellow bloggers and blog readers, I am making this post to state my final words, for I am most likely going to die in the second storm to pass in two days here in Pennsylvania.
Okay, so let's get this started. I would like my Yakly Sister, Mickeycricky, to celebrate our Yakly anniversary with Aaron, despite the fact I most likely won't be here to complete the group.
Also, I would like Mickey to marry Patty Walters ASAP because gurlllll, you two are totes meant to be.
(Another also, clone Chris Drew. He must sing in harmony with himself).
It is necessary that Veronica Roth releases the final book in the Divergent series, presumably called Detergent, immediately following the posting of this entry. I would like to read more about Tris and Tobias before I meet my electrifying and/or windy death.
and everything I have ever obtained in Minecraft goes to Mickeycricky.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What happened to the Naked Brothers Band?

They put clothes on.

*badum tssss*

Christofer Drew Ingle: Admiration Time


Okay, so I'm sure we've all heard of MGMT or their song, Kids, which was pretty popular on the radio for a while. They're a group with a pop-y sound that also sounds like it's made with a kaleidoscope. I love it. It's upbeat, and different. I love different music. Though it's not just their sound that is different, it's their lyrics. You might have some trouble understanding -- let alone deciphering the meaning of their lyrics. For example, the song Kids is written in third person by an adult. It opens with the adult describing the movement of the child, and later on envying its freedom. But the child must learn to control itself or else its actions result in bad things as it grows older. The song can be seen in many different lights, as I don't even know how to single out  one overview.
Another reason I love MGMT is because of the singer, Andrew VanWyngarden. He's 29, sadly, but he is totes attracts. His voice is also unique, which I enjoy. You can't find a voice like that (altered or not) in a lot of bands/songs.

Honestly, he's perfect! *unf*

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer, where have you gone?!

Well, my summer has been pretty drab-ulous. I'm conflicted as to what I want.
I've spent my summer, so far, talking to friends via the interwebs and sitting at home, plus the trip to Wild Wood, NJ and Cincinnati, Ohio to visit the family. So pretty much doing nothing.
As to school coming up around the corner, I feel like I want it to come sooner! I am totes excited for high school to be starting, yet I am terrified. Not of high school, though. Just band camp (an obstacle I have to overcome in the several weeks leading up to high school). I have practiced, but I don't have all of my music memorized. I feel like I'm going to get my head ripped off at band camp ;~;
Well, that's my short freak out session. I officially want school to get started already, before I waste away into ashes and get blown away by the wind.